Saturday, December 18, 2010

Time management problems

Managing your time is the most effective way to control and manage your life. To make your life easily you should schedule your time. For this you need to develop a time line. If you have long assignments- divide them into parts, according to the steps of the academic process:
1)Selecting a topic     
2)Gathering   information 
3) Organizing  the inf-tion 
4) Developing  an outline 
5) Preparing    the final draft or presentation 
6)Editing or    correcting
7) Preparing the final report
   And then you could easily follow your time-line without any worries, because you know how much time you can afford to spend for each step.

Another way to manage your time is to be scheduled every day. Record your appointments or commitments you have for each day. Every Saturday, complete daily calendars for each day of the upcoming week.
You also can use your calendar as a checklist. At the end of each day (or every Saturday) check to see if all tasks have been completed.  If not, attempt to complete them.


  1. I always try to manage my time but I never can follow it.

  2. U know me 2... It'z sooo difficult 2 follow da rulez, but wha'z more difficult- 2 MANAGE MY TIME

  3. )))) it means that u have not de time 2create ur schedule? u a very busy person)))))

  4. yup'n don't say dat u ddn't no=)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. u r female busines person)))))

  7. can I take de participation in ur busines? We`l be partners)))))hi-hi))) Good idea?)))
    what kind of business? I need to manage my time nd find free space in my schedule 4 de business)))
